Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 3 - 31 May 11

Good morning,
Today is a day that 2 years ago (the day not the date) was not a good day for me. I went into my job at NO VA and (over the 3 day weekend) I came into work Tuesday and they had changed everything about how the company worked.  All that they change directly affected me and no one even gave me a heads up.  No one told me when I left Friday that I had to work on Monday.  The last I had heard was that we had Monday off.  I think they did it on purpose. To top it off my boss had moved to Germany with her husband and 2 children and no one told me before she left who my boss would be.  I guess I should tell you that it is a family run business. They are Hispanic and I have no problem at all with that.  They had a lot of great workers and they were all legal.  I made sure if it cause that was one of my many jobs there.  They brought in another family member which I had no problem with but she had it in for me and the owner of the company turned against me too.  Let's just say I lost it and had to take a temporary leave of absence to go to a safe place for 10 days.  I almost missed my youngest sons graduation from HS and I am trying to forgive myself for this cause he did graduate with honors and is at UVA majoring in engineering.  I did make it to it but was so tired with all the meds I was taking (I have since came off of most of them cause I couldn't function at work and handle the long drive very well).  I know that my kids are all doing great and I need to know that even the best fall down sometimes but I got back up.  OMG look at the time.  I have to get ready for work.  I am blessed to be able to say that.

More to follow each day and I hope I don't put you to sleep but if I do maybe I need to read before I go to bed cause sleep doesn't come easy for me.

Much love and peace and smile. Yes even when I feel like I want to cry I will try to keep smiling.  Cause I can and I want you to smile cause I know you can.


1 comment:

  1. I liked your post! Sounds a LITTLE like a company I used to work for! More on that later. Have a great day, Linda.
